Cat on Orange Mat


I am so happy at how my latest lesson from Colette Pitcher’s Watercolor Painting For Dummies turned out!  The pink bunny ears were a bit too pink – I cracked open a different red, a much higher quality paint I got for Christmas, and with the opaque white mixed in it turned out to be much less transparent then I expected!  The orange too was brand new and obviously different in feel, coverage, and opacity then I what I had grown used to from the cheaper paint I had been using.  But she definitely looks like a kitten and I like her.  She may be the first one I slap a mat around and hang up in my son’s room… err… my studio.

I don’t know why I felt sort of reluctant at breaking open the new paints and loading up my ceramic palette that I bought back in January.   I bought the new table so I would have enough room to actually use it and then was afraid or something.  Maybe I thought if I started using it then I would be admitting to myself how much I wanted this painting thing to work out.  Or I dunno, I’m certainly no master of my own psyche!  But I broke down and filled it up with all the Christmas present paints and used it for this lesson.  What a difference in feel from the non-cheap-ass paints.  And the palette is so smooth and has so much room to work with in the mixing part.  I can be such an idiot.  I feel like I can allow myself to be only so happy and if I put just a bit more on top of it to be even more happy then it will all go south.  I guess.

Anyways, I like my kitten!

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1 Response to Cat on Orange Mat

  1. Sallyann says:

    I like your kitten too ! 🙂

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